Ithappened! Not to someone else this time but it happened to me and my family.
We lost our 10-year-old son. It’s been 5 months since he has passed away and it still seems surreal. How can he truly be absent from our lives?
Today, they placed Luke’s beautiful headstone on his grave and as I stood under the tree in the cemetery, I thought how could a God that loves us so much take our precious Luke. But he took Luke because he does love Luke so much. It’s so hard to understand and I may know exactly one day why he took him so young and then again I may never know why. We live in a fallen world full of sickness, natural disasters, pain and death. This is not God’s purpose for humanity – he wants us to live with Him where there is no pain, nor sadness, nor death. To make this happen, He made the greatest sacrifice; He sent His own son to die, to pay the price for our wrong choices (I can’t imagine that He loves us so much that he would allow his son to die – on purpose). When Jesus rose from the dead three days later, He destroyed the power of death over our souls.
This hope is my foundation. I know that not only will one day will I meet Jesus my Savior But I will see my son. I would rather him be here with us and I will never be happy that he is not here with us. There is a big hole in my heart and I miss him terribly. But God knows how we feel, he lost a son too.
And he has made it so clear that he loves me more than I can ever comprehend.
I did not want to lose Luke. I would have liked to have watched him grow up and have a family. I would have loved to see what he would have become and known him as an adult. But I also know this world is filled with pain, and I don’t believe it is a tragedy that Luke has the opportunity to be spared from the evil and pain of this life and instead be in the presence of God. This scripture has helped me to see God’s perspective. Isaiah 57:1-2, The righteous pass away;the Godly often die before their time. And no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. For the godly who die will Rest In Peace.
There is no tragedy in being ushered quickly from this life to the next when that next life is spent in the presence of God. The only real tragedy is a life that ends without the hope of eternal life in the presence of God.
Do you find yourself yearning for heaven in the midst of your sorrow and difficulty? Perhaps that is part of the purpose in your pain. This maybe to help us see a new perspective, a proper perspective about life after. Jesus said, “ Don’t be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly.
John 14:1-2
I am counting on it! I believe one day I will not only see Luke again, I’ll see Jesus face to face. That makes a difference in how I grieve and live today.
Absolutely beautiful Momma! I so hate that you are even in a position to be writing this but I love the wording and educating you are doing. No one is able to even imagine your pain. No one can dare to go there. Unfortunately those that have had a child die can understand better but each person’s grief and story are different. Thank you for sharing this very heartfelt message to all of us! Always praying for your family! Hugs to you Momma!