He is a Big God

He is a Big God!

There are mornings I wake up and wish it was all a bad dream. I lye there and stare at the ceiling wondering how I am going to face another day without Luke. 

We our all going through different storms in our lives and you may be wondering how you are going to get out of bed and face another day.

There are so many people struggling everyday with so many problems and it makes it so difficult some days just to put one foot in front of the other. However, God is bigger than all our problems and He can and will get us through each day. 

Some of us are tired and weary but God can give us a supernatural strength beyond what we can ever imagine. When you feel like your brain is on five percent battery, or you feel like you can’t move a muscle because every muscle is giving into gravity and your eyes are so heavy you can barely keep them open, remember who our Savior is. With God, nothing is impossible. Luke 1:37

When you are feeling so overwhelmed by the cares and stresses of life, just remember that that is the enemy trying to discourage you and we cannot let him win. We can’t go by our feelings but our faith in Jesus. We have to believe that no matter how hard life gets and how tired we are, God is bigger! 

He brought down a giant with a boy, a stone, and a sling. He swallowed up an army when he parted the Red Sea. He shut the  lions mouth when they threw Daniel in the den. He hasn’t changed. He is still the same as He was then. He’s a big God! There’s nothing He can’t do. He cares about what we are going through and no matter how hopeless and helpless the problem may seem, we don’t have to worry because He is a mighty big God! You might be facing a steep mountain you can’t climb.

You might be drowning in the sea of tears you’ve cried. You may be praying for a miracle right now. Well go ahead and claim it because He has already worked it out. He’s the Alpha and Omega, Jehovah Jireh and The Creator. He’s everlasting, omnipotent, His Love is Perfect, His power is endless, He is a doctor and a banker, He’s a counselor, Oh what a Savior!!!

I would like to pray this prayer over you right now and please print this out and post it somewhere where you can pray this prayer daily!

“ I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The joy of the Lord is my strength, and His strength sustains me. I am full of energy; I am vibrant and full of life and vitality. God in me is stronger than any weakness in my flesh. It doesn’t matter how I feel because I am not moved by my feelings. I speak supernatural strength, energy, and vitality to my body. Weakness, tiredness, weariness, I command you to get out of my body.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have dynamic energy and indomitable strength. I am strong in the Lord. I am courageous and fearless.

Greater is He that is in me than He that is in this world. His strength rises up in me; He puts me above my feelings. I am strong in my spirit, I am strong in my mind, and I am strong in my body.

My strength is renewed like the eagle’s. God increases my strength, therefore, I am not weary.


The joy of the Lord is my strength. 

Nehemiah 8:1

I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. Philippians 4:13

Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Bless the Lord….who satisfy thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Psalm 103:1,5

He gives power to the weak, And to this who have no might He increases strength. 

Isaiah 40:29

Be strong and courageous!…Do  not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go head of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail or abandon you. Deuteronomy 31:7,8 NLT



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