The Month of September

The month of September

The month of a September may mean just the ninth month of the year or maybe it’s your birthday month or the birthday of friends and family. To a lot of Moms, it’s the month of kids being back at school and getting back into routines. It can also mean the time you think of all the firefighters and people that lost their lives in New York on 9/11. It can also mean fall is getting near and cooler weather is upon us. However, the meaning of September changed for me and my family on September 11, 2017.

Luke was in the 4th grade at Neches Elementary. Luke never missed school and had always received the perfect attendance award at the end of the year. Luke was full of energy and ambition. He loved the outdoors more than anything. He enjoyed was riding his 4-wheeler, fishing, walking in the woods, and hunting with his Dad, and the dirtier he was….the better. He loved life and always had plans for the day. He rarely got sick and didn’t even have the slightest of allergies. However, 2 weeks after Luke had started 4th grade, a trip to the doctor for a high fever, cough, and an earache turned our world upside down. After abnormal lab results we were told to go straight to Children’s Medical Center in Dallas.

On September 11, 2017, we heard the words we thought we would never hear. Our 10 year old son had a childhood cancer of the blood. Luke was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. At that moment my world shattered before my eyes. Leukemia, what do you do with a word like that? How do you respond? What questions do you ask? I felt like I couldn’t breathe. It felt as though someone had punched me as hard as they could in my gut. My heart hurt. The emotion welled up behind my eyes until I felt like my head could explode. How can Luke have leukemia? This is not really happening. He just went fishing with his Dad 2 days ago.

Everyday we make plans, schedule our day, but in an instant God can change everything. This is a journey we thought we would never experience. However this has definitely been the most difficult mountain I have ever had to climb, the hardest journey I have ever been through and the worst storm I have ever faced. But God has been with us every step of the way.

Luke had surgeries, bone marrow biopsies, lumbar punctures, countless medications, 4 intense rounds of chemotherapy which caused diarrhea, vomiting, mucositis, and fatigue. He also received a bone marrow transplant. Luke was hospitalized for over 150 days and received over 60 units of blood and platelets. But through all of this, Luke rarely complained.God made him so strong through all of this. But I will never forget the day that changed our lives forever and he is and will always be #LukeStrong!

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1 thought on “The Month of September

  • I can’t even begin to imagine the devistation, hugs and prayers to the entire family. Luke is in heaven , living a glorious, eternal life and yall will be once again be joined. Hugs and continuous prayers!🙏💪

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