Before Luke was diagnosed with cancer, the last time I wrote anything was probably a descriptive essay in high school. I have never been much of a writer. I guess I really never had a reason to write before now. However, through Luke’s journey, writing has helped me share my feelings and grieve. I am so thankful for all the many people that follow the LukeStrong Facebook page and that read my blog. I feel an incredible amount of support when I write and share my heart. Writing allows me to tell the truth about my grief. I feel like it’s a place where my grief is entirely welcome. I feel like pain, like love, needs expression and I feel like this is how I express my true feelings and when I can’t find the words to say, I can write them easily.
Writing is a way of expressing my grief. I feel like God has given me the desire to write as a healing process for my grief and hopefully help someone else who maybe going through difficult times in their lives.
I feel like writing keeps Luke’s memory alive and I feel like it is a permanent reminder of him.
Writing helps me sort out my thoughts and express my emotions. It is therapeutic and healing. I pray that my pain is someone else’s hope.
I feel like so many people walk around hiding behind masks, like a masquerade. Masks that cover their insecurities, their pain, their struggles, and heartache. Maybe they feel alone.
God allows us to go through difficult times for a reason and we can use our pain to glorify him.
Sometimes it is the pain that kept you up in tears for many nights, the same addiction that kept you in chains, the same struggle that kept you battling on your knees that can change someone else’s life if you are not too afraid to share it.
I read a powerful statement last week:
“Your story is the key that can unlock someone else’s prison. Share your testimony” – Pastor John Hagee
I’ve been listening to Rick Warren’s podcasts recently as he shared about his wife and his recovery and heartache after their son’s suicide (who was battling mental illness) and just like he said about his own struggle and his own story: God didn’t pull you of that dark place so you could keep it to yourself. He pulled you out so you can pull others out also.
So once again thank you for reading my posts and allowing me to grieve through my writing. I pray that I can turn my sorrow into someone else’s hope and to turn my pain into someone else’s victory
The thing that you felt would keep you imprisoned forever will be the very tool God will use to set others free.
I pray that I will turn my pain into the greatest calling!
Maybe at the end of my trial, my pain and my story isn’t really about me.
Maybe my pain is really just a blessing waiting to lighten the burdens of others.