Wow! What a year! While many things that happened may have been a surprise to me, they were not at all to God. He knew exactly what trials and tribulations we were going to face. He knew what happy and joyous things were going to happen. God had it already planned out before it began. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.(Psalm 139:16) I find great comfort and security in knowing that God has my life planned out exactly how he wants it.

God knew the exact day Jake and Luke would be born. He knew my son Luke was going to be diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 10 before he was formed in my womb. He knew my son Jake was going to have Chiari Malformation and have to have brain surgery when he was only 5. God knows the exact moment that our death will occur. I find so much freedom in knowing this profound truth. We can be free in knowing that we can live life fully relying on God that our life is in his hands. We just have to trust him and surrender our lives completely to him. I can enjoy an intimate walk with the One who is intimately involved in each minor detail of my day (Psalm 139:1-4 )
who never lets me out of his sight (Psalm 139:5-8), whose fatherly hand guides my every move (Psalm 139:9-10), and who is never limited or intimidated by my circumstances (Psalm 139:11-12)
I soak up the truth of who He is. I tell Him I am open to receive grace and comfort. I remind Him I trust Him, even though His ways are not mine and I am still sad and hurt.
According to Ephesians 1:11, “God works all things after the counsel of his will.” This means that your life, all of it, has been worked out according to the counsel of God’s will.
In 2018, my family experienced some devastating events that have resulted in a drastically different outlook for the future than the one I had previously envisioned.
Like many Christians, in hard times I have found myself considering Jeremiah 29:11, which says “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for you to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. It is reassuring in the midst of trouble to know that God has a plan for us, and that it is a good one.

We need to stop holding on to our own idea of what the Lord’s plans for our welfare, future, and hope include. Instead, we need to let the whole of God’s Word define his planned goodness to us. Our Lord has been very clear in the New Testament about his intentions regarding those who have come to faith in his Son. And as we continue to place our trust in him, we begin to see that these plans are deeper and more satisfying than even our own ideas about “the good life.”
God is taking care of you, you just have to let go and surrender everything to him! Allow him full control and trust him! Remember God is so much better at orchestrating our lives than we are. Ask the Lord to help you learn how to better trust him. Today I’m sharing a prayer to trust God with everything. I don’t want to try to hold on to anything that might slow the Lord’s work in my life and the lives of others. Pray with me?
Dear Heavenly Father,
What an incredible and awesome God you are!
When I look at the beauty of your creation,
I’m in awe of your mighty and majestic ways.
When I see the work of your hand,
I’m overwhelmed by your love for me.
Lord, I believe that you saved my soul;
Help me trust that you have made me whole.
Lord, I believe that you hear my prayers;
Help me trust that your answer is best.
Lord, I trust that you created the mountains;
Help me trust that you can move them.
Please forgive me for trying to be in control and allow me to let go and surrender my life to you. Increase my ability to give you everything. Your ways are much higher than mine.
Thank you, Jesus.

I know that everything you are saying is the truth about our God!
But I have a hard time when time after time things in my personal life I have witness watching disappointment after disappointment! But I have to believe it was not God’s plan. Patience is so hard at least for me. But when I hear someone like you give it all over to God with what you have gone through I know just how bless I am. And I just keep on keeping on! Knowing I know God has good for me and my family. Thank you again for sharing. I hope and pray you and your family will be blessed through this new year. Christ Love forever ❣️
Cindy Calcote