LukeStrong’s Mission


Through Luke’s journey with cancer, God did great things through Luke. One of those things was the desire to help others in the hospital. He spoke many times about the things that made him happy or brightened his day and made many plans of helping others when he got out of the hospital. He would get so excited when he spoke of his ideas.

One of Luke’s desires was to deliver care packages to families that find themselves weeks and months in the hospital. The care packages may include toiletries, small games and toys, books, coloring books and crayons, snacks, blankets, socks, rolls of quarters for the vending machines, lotion, chap stick, and/or any item to make their stay a little easier.

We are so thankful and blessed to have been able to accomplish that today! We were able to deliver 50 care packages and next month, we will deliver the other 50. I pray we will continue to bless many more families. God is so good! I was very anxious about today with so many different emotions. The closer we became to the hospital, the harder it became to breathe and then the tears started flowing. My husband, Dwayne, asked me if I was ok and I told him, “no, but I will be.” We can do all things through Christ who strenghens us. And God did just that! We pulled into Children’s Medical Center and we were able to deliver 50 bags! Thank you Jesus for giving me and my family strength today and thank you for allowing us to bless 50 families!

It was so wonderful to see Luke’s hematologist, Dr. Michael Mitchell and all of Luke’s wonderful nurses. They are not just doctors, nurses, techs, or child life specialist, but they have become our family and we will be forever grateful for them for taking such great care of Luke.

God allows us to go through things to help others. 2 Corinthians 1:4 “He gives us comfort in all our troubles. Then we can comfort other people who have the same troubles. We give the same kind of comfort God gives us.”

God puts dreams in our hearts as he did Luke and writes a destiny over our lives. And if we trust Him enough to take Him at His word, we will find ourselves on a journey toward the fulfillment of that dream. Even though Luke is not here to carry on this dream himself, Luke asked us to carry on his dream for Scout and the LukeStrong Foundation. I pray that Scout will bring happiness to more kids than ever possible. I pray that the LukeStrong foundation will be able to help more families and children fighting cancer than ever imaginable. Ephesians 3:20, “tells us that He wants to do abundantly above and beyond ALL that we could ever ask or think, according to his work within us. To the extent that He’s allowed to work in us, will be the extent that He does great things through us.

For God to fully work in our lives, we must die to ourselves, humble ourselves, and let God have his way in our lives. God is preparing Scout and the LukeStrong Foundation to do great things!

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2 thoughts on “LukeStrong’s Mission

  • My son is currently being treated for Acute Myeloid Leukemia at Dallas Children’s and we received one of the 50 care packages your family dropped off in honor of your son, Luke. I just now stumbled across your website and so I wanted to thank you. This family was blessed by your donation. I am so sorry that your Luke is no longer here on this earth with you.

    • Thank you so much for allowing us the bless your family. My son was also diagnosed with AML.Hope you guys will be there tomorrow for the Nerf Gun Party! It will be a lot of fun and would love to meet you! God bless you and your family!

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