My Cup Runs Over

Praise the Lord for the move of God we are experiencing!

God is so good! It is amazing what he can do when you allow him to be in the driver seat. We have to let go and let God have control. If it’s his will, it will work out and not just barely by the skin of one’s teeth or mediocre but he will do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. To him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations…Ephesians 3:20-21. Nothing is impossible with Him!

What does it mean to be blessed beyond measure? Let me explain…our goal was to collect 100 Nerf guns to take to the hospital on November 15th.  Never underestimate what God can and will do. Are you ready? We collected 508 Nerf guns and thousands of bullets!!!! Hallelujah!! That is what I call nothing but the hand of our Almighty Savior!
Praise God for all he is doing with the LukeStrong foundation! We are so incredibly excited about being able to fulfill Luke’s desire and to be able to give these kids a fun and exciting day! With this amount of Nerf guns collected, we will be able to have several parties and possibly deliver to other Children’s hospitals in Dallas. We will also wrap some for Christmas presents to be given on Christmas Day.

Thank you all for being such a vital part of this outpouring! This community never ceases to amaze me! Our family is so very thankful and touched by the generosity, love, and support of this community. However, we also had Nerf guns delivered to us from out of town and even out of state! I am so grateful for the Spirit of God being poured out on so many people. We are so blessed you are all apart of the LukeStrong Foundation and helping to make it successful.

Ephesians 3:20 in The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition reveals that God “is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams].” This scripture paints a picture of a limitless, infinite supply available to each of us. The LORD desires to do for us beyond our highest expectations.

“Beyond measure” indicates something that is immeasurable—too large, extensive or extreme to calculate. Think about counting grains of sand or stars in the night sky, as God asked Abram to do. There were too many to count. That’s how God wants to bless us.

To be blessed beyond measure is to experience the extreme goodness of God.

Look at Psalm 31:19. “How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you” (New International Version-84). The goodness of God represents everything He is, everything He has and everything He desires to do for us. He wants to overwhelm us with His infinite goodness. The word for goodness in the Hebrew means, “prosperity, good things and property.”
Think for a moment about the greatest good God could do for you. Is that image firmly fixed in your mind? Well, God’s goodness is greater still!

No matter how wonderful your greatest imagination might be, God wants to do infinitely more. Psalm 23:5-6 (New King James Version) says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of The LORD forever.” Shout out loud, “My cup runs over!”

“Father, thank You for blessing us beyond measure, above all that we can dare ask or think. We freely receive Your goodness from Your riches in glory. You have given us access to all You have, and we see ourselves giving to others. We are able to bless others beyond measure. We believe we receive this, in Jesus’ Name!”

I would like to thank the following businesses for allowing us to leave drop-off boxes for the Nerf Guns: Southside Baptist Church, Impact Performance, Forrest Westmoreland, DDS, Ronald J. Cook,DDS, Great American T-shirt Company, Jordan Health Services, Encompass Home Health, Capitol One Bank, Legacy at Town Creek, KYYK, Palestine Fire Department, and Palestine Herald Press.

I would especially like to thank Impact Performance, Katie Carter and Camp Gladiator, Lori Broughton, Tammy Patton, Casey Atchley, Anita Huddleston, Sadie Keller Foundation, Dominoes, Adam Harding with Wal-mart, ladies at our bible study, Scott Johnson and Friends of Palestine Ducks Unlimited, Dusty Rose and the Equinix Team, Gerri Schattel for sharing on 93.5 and KYYK, Sylvia Bedre and sweet Eddie, Ben Anderson for an interview on Foam Cast Radio, Casey Karls for donating inflatable barriers, Jared Guynes and Jen with Hasbro for going above and beyond! We will be forever grateful!


LukeStrong’s Mission

LUKE’S MISSON: Through Luke’s journey with cancer, God did great things through Luke. One of those things was the desire to help others in the hospital. He spoke many times about the things that made him happy or brightened his day and made many plans of helping others when he got out of the hospital. Read more about LukeStrong’s Mission[…]